PDF of full CV
PDF of full Resume
- University of California, Berkeley – PhD in Neuroscience, (expected) August 2021
- Johns Hopkins University – BA in Applied Mathematics and Statistics & Psychology (double major), May 2013
- Neurosity – Neuroscientist, February 2021 - present
- University of California, Berkeley – Graduate Student Researcher, August 2015 - present
- University of California, Berkeley – Graduate Student Instructor (Neuroscience), January 2018 - May 2018
- University of California, Berkeley – Graduate Student Instructor (EECS), August 2016 - December 2016
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Lab Manager, June 2013 - May 2015
- Johns Hopkins University – Teaching Assistant, January 2013 - May 2013
- Virginia Tech – Research Assistant, May 2012 - August 2012
- Johns Hopkins University – Research Assistant, January 2012 - May 2013
- Popham SF, Huth AG, Bilenko NY, Deniz F, Gao JS, Nunez-Elizalde AO, & Gallant JL. Visual and linguistic semantic representations are aligned at the border of human visual cortex. In Review.
- Gallant JL & Popham SF. Semantic representation in the human brain under rich, naturalistic conditions. The Cognitive Neurosciences (Sixth Edition). MIT Press. Editors: Gazzaniga, Mangun, & Poeppel. In Press.
- Popham SF, Boebinger D, Ellis DPW, Kawahara H, & McDermott JH (2018). Inharmonic speech reveals the role of harmonicity in the cocktail party problem. Nature Communications, 9(1), 2122. Link